Monday, August 18, 2008

Food as Health Threat

The most important daily element of the health practice is diet management.

Today corn is becoming the tabacco of the new millennium. The industrial corn industry is poisoning the American diet with products devised to increase corporate profits with no regard for thier side effects. The documentary, "King Corn", explains some the of the basic issues of this problem.

Corn is a grain, high in carbohydrates and low in other nutrients. It is not a vegetable. Corn is also a highly manipulated plant. It is now largely grown from genetically modified seed. Corn is a filler in poor diets. It is totally unnecessary to a healthy diet. Yet, most packaged food in America contains corn products as extenders or sweeteners.

Elimination of all corn or corn-based products from your diet will quickly increase your wellbeing. However, it isn't easy to find that corn even if you read the labels on packages of food.

The two most important poisons to find and avoid in anything you put into your body are HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (HFCS) and XANTHAN GUM.

These must be listed under the "Ingredients" section required on all packaged foods. This is often located near the "Nutritional Facts" section of the package. You will quickly find that these two toxins are in just about everything that is commercially baked or highly processed.

The easiest way to eliminate the bulk of corn syrup from your diet is to stop drinking any pre-sweetened beverage, such as carbonated drinks, bottled ice tea, or flavored coffee products. By substituting real fruit juice, home-brewed tea and water, you will make a major move to health.

To be healthy, you must learn to read the ingredients on all packaged foods you consume regularly. Otherwise, you are behaving ignorantly. You are putting things into your mouth without even knowing what they are. Would you let a child do this? Don't do it to your greatest asset, your own body!

You can drastically improve your health practice quickly by eliminating corn and corn products from your daily diet. Challenge this assertion by giving it a trial for one week. I assure you you will be amazed at how difficult it is to do initially and by how well you will feel.

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